Primal Living


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We have been eating Primal for nearly 2 months now and couldn’t be happier. We love the food we eat and rarely crave the old foods that we used to eat. In fact, I personally have had zero cravings for non-primal foods. But, if I think about it, I should be surprised. I’ve never been big on fruit and a nice juicy, rare steak has always been extremely appealing to me. I do admit that I used to love pizzas and sandwiches, but my diet now has me so completely satisfied that I don’t even crave those things anymore. What I do crave now are fatty cuts of meat and veggies sauteed in butter.

I get asked a lot of questions about my diet since losing all this weight and people wanting to know what I eat and what I do for exercise. There are always those that have heard of Paleo/Primal and can wrap their heads around why I would eliminate so many “healthy foods” from my diet. But that’s really just it, so many of these so called foods aren’t foods at all. They’ve had to processed and fortified to even be considered “nutritious”. I stopped looking at all those boxes and bags as food, period.

Then there is the inevitable gasp or shocked expression when I mention that my diet is high in FAT, saturated fat at that. Fat that comes from animals, butter or coconut oil and that’s it. No seed (vegetable oils). Our bodies need these fats, they are called ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS for a reason, because they are ESSENTIAL. J. Stanton of says it best, we are fativores. But won’t all that fat make you fat? Nope, not at all. In fact, when I’m getting enough fat with my protein that is when my body is using my fat stores the best and I’ve lost more inches since changing my lifestyle than when I was eating the standard “healthy” diet recommended to everyone wanting to lose weight. Eat fat to lose fat. Everything you were ever taught about nutrition is wrong folks.

So, you don’t eat grains (including corn and rice), legumes, or table sugar. What do you eat? I eat plenty of fat, meat (mostly from beef), eggs, veggies and a little fruit. I at times have a little cheese, but not often since I’m lactose intolerance. I will have a little yogurt from time to time (plain, no sugar added). Even without the grains and beans my diet is varied and delicious, I leave every meal satisfied and without the food hangover I used to get. My food no longer weighs me down and makes me feel like I need to nap. In fact, just last week I had forgotten that I had just eaten 10 minutes prior and I ran sprints for 10 minutes without getting sick!

On the menu tonight are New York Strip Steaks (cooked rare, just the way I like) with a side of homemade guacamole and salad made with spinach and romaine.

Questions are always welcome!

Well, I Fell Off the Face of the Planet


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But I’m still here and better than ever!

I’m done with my 3 months of phentermine and honestly, I could have stopped the last month because I found something amazing, better than any weight loss medication. It’s practically a miracle in itself and in the last month it’s changed my life forever.

Four weeks ago I discovered Primal/Paleo eating. I found a way to eat that feels natural and is 100% satisfying. I eat meat. Fatty, delicious meat. I eat fat, saturated fats. I don’t eat grains, legumes or sugars. In the first 2 weeks of the lifestyle change I lost 9 lbs! I haven’t lost any more than that in the last 2 weeks, but I’ve lost inches from my waist, arms, thighs and hips. I feel better than ever and my skin is gorgeous! My stomach is less bloated and no digestive issues. My joint pain is gone`and my mood has improved. I can’t believe the changes in myself in such a short time.

My husband and kids are eating Primal as well and they are all reaping the benefits as well! My husband who isn’t overweight at all, maybe only had an extra 8-10 lbs lost all of that in the same 2 weeks I lost all my weight. My kids are fuller longer and don’t beg for snacks every half an hour during the day.

I’m going to definitely start posting more on Primal/Paleo. I’m learning new recipes to keep my family on their toes. But honestly, we don’t get that bored eating this way. I eat things that I was always scared to eat before! I eat butter and fry things in coconut oil. I saute everything! I eat those fatty cuts of meat and bacon! BACON! Wonderful, beautiful bacon is perfectly healthy! Go figure! I’m never looking back. This is my life from here on out!

So this latest picture I posted, I haven’t lost any more weight…but I look better than that lost picture already! It’s insane how quickly your body changes when you’re eating the way your body is meant to eat. Inches are coming off and fat is being replaced with muscles!

So, keep your eyes out for recipes and links. Feel free to ask me questions because I’m passionate about this way of life and want to share it with all of you!

Final Results

Week 5: Weigh In


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I’m a day late in posting my progress for the week, but it’s been a crazy week! Well, any week is a crazy week around here with homeschooling my 7 year old and running after my 1 year old. I also hurt my calf, a strain I think, so cardio has been hard to get in. I’ve only been able to do 2 days this week, but I did try and get in some extra strength training so that I wasn’t falling too far behind. My calf is starting to feel better after a week of trying not to do anything that makes it hurt, which is hard since it was hurting the most when I pushed off with the ball of my foot, so running as well as elliptical were totally out! The last two day I was able to alter the way I was pushing on my foot pedals of my elliptical and do my workout, yay!

So, with not being able to stick to my usual routine this last week I was nervous about my weigh in. Worry aside, I did weigh in of course 🙂 I lost 1.4 lbs this week!!! I’m so happy! I was scared I had gained, LOL! Current weight 158.4 lbs!

Starting weight: 171.4 lbs

Week 1 weight: 167.0 lbs

Week 2 weight: 163.2 lbs

Week 3 weight: 162.2 lbs

Week 4 weight: 159.8 lbs

Week 5 weight: 158.4 lbs

Pounds left to goal : 38.4


I’ve Got to Make Some Money


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Well, as most of you know, I’m a stay at home mom and I homeschool, so my ability to make money is very limited. A friend told me she has some success selling AVON in the past so I’m giving it a shot. With one income money is tight most of the time. There aren’t really any extras ever and it would be nice to not have to save just to be able to buy the kids new clothes.

Don’t get me wrong. We can pay all our bills and mortgage and buy necessities, but mostly that’s it. Any income I make just means we can get by without feeling like we’re dollars away from not having enough gas for the week, etc. So yeah, help me out! LOL

So yes, this is a shameless plug for my AVON store. I decided that I as ok with selling their products because I’ve tried several of of them over the years and I’ve always loved them! And, AVON doesn’t just sell skincare and makeup! They carry everything from wrinkle creams and hair care to jewelry and home goods! Needs gives for your kids? They have super cute products just for kids from fashion to bath products! Buy for the men, women and children in your life and even find some really awesome stuff for your home! I’ve tried several of their fragrances and they are great and long lasting!

You don’t have to live in my city or state when you shop my online store! Have your favorite AVON products shipped directly to your home!


Week 4: Weigh In


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Well, today marks one month since I started really taking my weight loss seriously. I was nervous for this day, scared of disappointing myself. But, I have to say that I am quite proud! I took a progress photo today, using my phone, and I can SEE the difference this month has made. Being able to see the difference is so much more gratifying than seeing the numbers on the scale go down. Those numbers really don’t mean much, they are just numbers. They don’t describe my character or define my life. What I see in the mirror is so much more important.

I’ve been able to see the changes in my body along the way, but they didn’t feel very dramatic until I looked at my pictures from this morning beside those from a month ago. My stomach is so much flatter! When I look at my face, my cheekbones are more defined, my neck is thinner and my collarbones are making an appearance. I can see muscle definition in my arms and calves and my thighs feel like rocks…cover in a thinner layer of fluff. But it’s working. I’m pushing hard and it’s paying off. This month has been hard work, but I look forward to it everyday. I look forward to sweating and feeling exhausted after a good workout. I look forward to feeling which muscles have gotten sore every morning. I can’t wait to see what this next month brings me!

Starting weight: 171.4 lbs

Week 1 weight: 167.0 lbs

Week 2 weight: 163.2 lbs

Week 3 weight: 162.2 lbs

Week 4 weight: 159.8 lbs 

Pounds left to goal : 39.8

11.6 lbs gone!

Week 3: Weigh In


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Well, here it is, week three of my weightloss journey! I’ve been more motivated than I have been to lose weight. I’ve lost weight before; 2.5 years ago I lost 30 lbs and I was pretty motivated, but I’m more so now. I know that once it’s gone, it’s gone for good! I’m not having any more babies and I won’t allow myself to get where I am now again.

I haven’t been looking forward to weighing in this week. I could tell in the mirror that I’m shrinking and when I put certain clothes on they are looser than normal, but I also knew that I would also have an untimely visit from Aunt Flo. She’s not a good one to have around when you’re weighing. I contemplated not weighing and my husband agreed that would be the best idea so I wouldn’t get discouraged, but I also felt that I had to weigh anyways because I’m trying to set myself up in a consistent routine and I didn’t want to get lax about it. So I did weigh,  I just kept telling myself not to expect much and even be prepared for a gain.

But, before I reveal what my weight was, let’s rewind to last Friday (Oh, no…now I’m going to have Katy Perry stuck in my head!). When I weighed on Thursday it wasn’t a typical morning, I hadn’t gone to bed till late and I woke up too early. I know my body well and I knew that both of these things play a role in water retention for myself. But I weighed anyways. Well, on a whim a weighed a gain Friday morning and to my pleasant surprise I had actually lost more than I thought! That brought my Week 2 weight to 163.2! Woot!

Ok, so now back to this mornings weight in. The scale read 162.2. One pound down this last week. But let’s remember, Aunt Flo came by this morning. I have felt that I look as if I’ve lost weight this week, so I’m taking the pound and expecting to see a huge lose next Thursday. In the end, I think it’s best that I went ahead a weighed in, I’ll be able to see my body’s weight trend during that time of month so that I won’t let it discourage me.

Well, I’m off to eat my salad! I had an amazing workout today! An hour and fifteen minutes on the elliptical!

Starting weight: 171.4 lbs

Week 1 weight: 167.0 lbs

Week 2 weight: 163.2 lbs

Week 3 weight: 162.2 lbs 

Pounds left to goal : 42.2


First Day of {HOME}School!


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I started homeschooling last year shortly after we moved into our new house. We had enrolled R in the local public school around the corner and had been optimistic that she would thrive and so well. She did make friends, but we realized quickly that she was falling behind in most subjects. As a teacher’s conference we asked that her teacher keep us updated with R’s progress and less us know if she continued to fall behind. Her teacher reassured us that she would keep in contact and we felt confident that R’s grades would be better. A progress report came 3 months after our discussion with R’s teacher and she was behind in every subject and had been failing tests, all unknown to us because the teacher never let us know.

The teacher had our e-mail, I frequently got e-mails asking for phone numbers and address to pass along to kids and parents so that play dates could be arranged. Really? You can take time out of your day to e-mail parent’s about play dates but not to inform me that my child is struggling? No, this wouldn’t do. I know what happens to kids who start being pulled along with their peers, being pushed into subject matter that they aren’t ready for. I knew that I would either have to fight with the school or take my daughter’s education into my own hands.

My husband and I had been talking for some time about homeschooling. I was nervous about being 100% accountable for all of my children’s education. I’m educated. I have graduated college. It came down to what was best for my kids. R had some to me around Christmas time last year and told me that she was going to ask Santa for a new brain because she was stupid. So, what was best was to just dive right in, sink or swim. But, when it comes to your kids, you have to swim, you don’t have a choice. So, when I got that progress report I told R that she could finish out the school week, get phone numbers from the friends that she would like to keep talking to and that would be it, she would not be returning after that.

We finished out the 1st grade at home though Horizon Charter School. They are amazing! They provide a budget for everything you need to teach your child from home with lots of support and opportunities for social time with others. I learned quickly that R needs lots of one-on-one which was impossible to get in a public school. She needs someone helping her to keep on task and catching her when she takes the lazy was around things or skips words she doesn’t know. I’m still having to remind her that it’s ok to ask for help.

One to today! Today starts our first entire school year homeschooling. I teach three  subjects a day, except Friday’s we only need to do two. Today we did math ( I use McRuffy Press curriculum), Reading/Phonics/Writing (again, I use McRuffy Press curriculum), and our finial subject is Social Science/History (Houghton Mifflin book). It went smoothly for the most part. R gets really frustrated and breaks down and cries, a lot, which is distressing for me. We’re working on patience for both of us. Most everything today was a review, but it does seem that there were a few things lost over the summer, which I’m sure triggered a bit of frustration from both of us. I’m sure we’ll get through all the bumps and have a great year. I have so much pride watching my daughter absorb the things that I’m teaching her.

When she “gets” something I get so excited! I, ME, taught my daughter that! She learned what she knows from me! It’s an amazing feeling! She is slowly gaining back the confidence in learning that was taken from her in public school, she says she feels smart!

I hope everyone else had a great start to the school year!

Week 2: Weigh In


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Well, here it is again, my weigh in day! I have to say that I had a bit of trepidation stepping on that scale this morning. My husband has been telling me the last day or two that he could tell that I had lost more weight, but I’m always skeptical.

But, I’m happy to say that this morning the scale was down another 2.4 lbs! Not as much as last week, but honestly, I wasn’t expecting to lose 4 lbs every week. I’m so excited so have lost nearly 2.5 lbs this week! I’ve worked hard. I’ve watched what I’m eating, I’ve done cardio and strength training. I’m putting in a lot of hard work to get where I’m going and I know that if I continue to work hard I will meet my goals.

Starting weight: 171.4 lbs

Week 1 weight: 167.0 lbs

Week 2 weight: 164.6 lbs

Pounds left to goal : 44.6


New Shoes: Vibram Fivefingers Bikila LS


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I know, they look funny, but these shoes are seriously amazing! I’ve been wearing VB’s for close to a year now and I don’t know how I ever wore “normal” running shoes!

I’ve never been a fan of shoes other than flip flops and even then I mostly go barefoot. I like my feet to be free, I like to feel the ground under my feet. It makes me feel balanced. Vibram Fivefingers gives you that barefoot feel while still protecting your feet from sharp objects while you’re working out, playing in the yard with your kids or running errands.

Going barefoot while exercising, walking, running, etc. also uses different muscles that you’re not normally using when wearing bricks…I mean tennis shoes…on your feet. So you get the added benefit of working out extra muscle groups just by wearing a barefoot style shoe!

It takes some time initally to get used to them, but after  you’ve adjusted you’ll start to notice that things like foot, knee and back pain seem to disappear! I swear it’s magic! When you actually let your foot work the way it was designed to work all of these problems that were created by wearing foot “supporting” shoes vanishes. You foot doesn’t need arch supports or extra padding seen in traditional shoes, it just needs to be allowed to work as it was always intended to work, bare.

Love these things!!!

Rest Days


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I have a hard time taking rest days now that I’m so enthusiastic about my weight loss. They make me feel like I’m being counterproductive. I feel like all my hard work during the week is for not. But I know it’s all in my head, my brain playing games with me. Logically I know that I HAVE to take days off from my workouts; I know my body needs to rest and recover, especially with as intense as my workouts have been.

I’ve been mainly using my elliptical for cardio. I can kick some ass on that thing! I workout 4 days a week, with 2 active rest days and 1 full rest day. My week starts on Thursday and I do at least 60 minutes of cardio. This last Thursday I started the week out strong, burning 1009 calories on my elliptical, then Friday 825, Saturday 825 (because I’m a little neurotic and it had to be at least as much as I had burned on Friday), and Sunday 1021 calories! Holy crap! BUT, then Monday was an active rest day, which basically means that you workout, but not as hard as a typical day, so I burned 453 calories in 30 minutes. During the days that I workout I also use hand weights and do arms and legs, as well as crunches and various body weight exercises. So this last week I burned a killer 4,133 calories! I might be taking phentermine, but I refuse to let it do all the work for me. I’m strictly using it as a tool.

Today is a full rest day. I basically sit around and only do what needs to be done. I rest as much as my life allows. Being the mommy of a 7 year old and a 1 year old, rest isn’t easily come by, but I don’t do any “exercise” on a full rest day. These are the days that my brain is telling me I’m ruining it, I won’t see the scale move on Thursday if I don’t exercise today.

For me, it’s a constant battle in my head between the logical side that says, “Yes, your body needs to recuperate!” and the illogical side screaming, “Workout, you fat ass!”. It’s hard, this battle has been played out in my head many times throughout my life as I’ve tried again and again to lose weight. My logical side always wins, because in the end I KNOW what my body needs to get the results that I want, but I’m so scared of failing this time that it’s just so much harder. I want this so bad. I can actually see myself thin again. I hate having this fear of failing, of letting myself down, letting my kids down. I don’t just want to be thin and healthy for me, I want it for my kids. I want them to grow up knowing how to be healthy and what healthy looks like. I want it to be normal for them so that they never have to struggle with what I’m going through now.

I’m not giving up this time. I can’t. As far as I’m concerned, this is my last chance to get what I want and I don’t let anything stand in my way, not even myself.